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Resources and Links

You may find the following links helpful for undertaking Big Meadow Searches and for building your botanical skills.

Big Meadow Search Book: 'A guide to grassland indicator plants and some of their associated species'. Published April 2023. Covers all of the species on the Big Meadow Search species list which comprises National Plant Monitoring Scheme Lowland Grassland Indicator Species plus additional grassland species of interest. Colour photos of each plant species with identification features and a selection of associated species (invertebrates, fungi and galls). A4 size, 161 pages. £10 plus £2.70 postage. Please contact [email protected] to order.


Grid reference finder and App

Free App: Grid Ref UK and Ireland

National Plant Monitoring Scheme (NPMS)

A range of videos and supporting materials covering various types of habitat including dry acid grassland, neutral damp grassland, neutral pasture and meadows, upland grassland, arable field margins and dry calcareous grasslands Online Training | National Plant Monitoring Scheme (

Botanical Society of British Isles (BSBI)

-       Identification resources

-       Cribs Plant Crib – Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland (

-       Online sedges

-       Apps review BSBI-News-144-pp34-40-plant-id-apps-final.pdf

-       Meadow Grass ID

-       Vegetative ID

o  Vegetative Grass Identification - part 1 - YouTube

o   Vegetative Grass Identification - part 2 - YouTube

-       Yellow composites BSBI-News-147-Beginners-Corner.pdf

-       Grassland plants Grassland plants of the British and Irish lowlands by Stuart Smith - YouTube


= Grasslands as a climate solution - YouTube

-       Parts of a plant An introduction to plant identification: parts of a plant - YouTube

-       Managing grassland for waxcaps Managing grassland for waxcaps - Land managed by grazing.pdf

Species Recovery Trust

= Neutral Grasslands (


Classes for Grasses Classes for Grasses Episode 1 - Grass Structure and Anatomy - YouTube

Floodplain Meadows Partnership

Resources | Welcome to the Floodplain Meadows Partnership Website

PDF copy of technical handbook Meadows - Beauty and Utility A Technical Handbook.pdf

Biological Records Centre (BRC)

Online Atlas Online Atlas of the British and Irish Flora (

Field Studies Council

Guide to grass groups Key to Groups of British Grasses | Biodiversity Projects (

Wild Flower Finder

British Wild Flowers

British Wild Flowers (

Natural History Museum

Orchid identification guide orchid-observers-id-guide.pdf (

Vegetative orchid identification guide A beginner's vegetative guide to orchids of the British Isles (

Wiltshire Botanical Society

Viola (1).pdf

Nature Scotland

Types of species rich grassland Guide to types of species-rich grassland (

Magnificent Meadows

Botanical Terms


Flora of East Anglia

Flowers by Colour (

Umbellifers Umbellifers (

BMS Species List

BMS Species List
